Billing & Payments

Accounts are issued on a quarterly basis in early July, October, January and April. Common charges are generally applied quarterly in arrears with the exception of the common buildings insurance cover and annual stair lighting charges which must be paid in advance.
Your invoice is designed to show as clearly as possible charges to your factoring account. All charges show the total cost of the work, your share of the cost of the work and your individual charge. Please note that the balance on your factoring account is due for payment in full within 28 days from the date of issue.
You have an obligation as an owner to ensure that you meet your factoring charges on time to ensure that we have sufficient funds to manage and maintain your building. If an owner fails to pay their account following the issue of payment reminder letters, we will commence legal action to recover monies owed to us.
If you would like further information about the factoring service or if you are having difficulties paying your factoring charges please contact Finance Services on 0141 950 9053 or, alternatively, by e-mail on
Methods of Payment:
• Allpay Direct Debit - Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly
• Standing Order
• BACS Transfer - Using Sort Code: 80-07-75 Account No: 00950943 quoting your factoring account reference
• Cheque