Reporting a Repair

You can report a repair by visiting the Association’s office and speaking to a member of our Maintenance Services staff. Alternatively, you can report a repair by telephoning Maintenance Services on 0141 950 9051.
When reporting a repair you will need to provide the following information:
• Name
• Address
• Contact telephone number
• Details of the required repair
• Preferred access times
Please note that all repairs are carried out by the Association's approved contractors.
If you are unable to keep to a pre-arranged appointment for a contractor visit you should contact Maintenance Services to advise them and to make an alternative appointment.
Repair Response Times

For out-of-hours emergency common repairs, you should telephone the Association’s office on 0141 950 9050 to be directed to the most appropriate emergency contractor;

Emergency repairs are to be carried out within three hours once identification or notification of the matter is received.
Urgent common repairs, which can normally be considered as affecting the comfort and convenience of the tenant, will be reported to a contractor immediately and dealt with within two working days.
Common repairs which are routine will be inspected and reported to a contractor within two days and dealt with within eight days.

More Information regarding the Association's repair response times and categories can be viewed here.