Management Committee

The Association's Membership

The Association operates an open Membership Policy and anybody may apply to become a member subject to the Association’s rules. Membership of the Association costs one pound and members of the Association may stand for election to the Management Committee at the Association’s Annual General Meeting. If you are not already a member but are interested in becoming a member of the Association, you can collect a Membership Application Form from the Association’s office or by downloading it here. This should be returned with your one pound membership fee to the Secretary at the Association’s Registered Office.
More information about membership is available in the Association's Membership Policy which can be viewed here.
A copy of the Association's Rules are available here.
A copy of the Association's Standing Orders are available here.

Management Committee

The Association is governed by a management committee appointed by its membership – usually at its annual general meeting (AGM). Association membership is open to all. The management committee may choose to supplement its members by appointing co-opted members from time-to-time. To volunteer for the Management Committee you must be:

• A member of the Association (this costs £1); and
• Be aged 18 or over.

If you are interested in becoming a member or would like more information, please contact the Association. Elections are held each year at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is usually held in September. We contact all our members in advance of our AGM and invite nominations to the Management Committee. A Management Committee member role description is available here.
There are currently fourteen members on the Management Committee.
The Management Committee meets several times a year and the quorum for meetings is four members of the Management Committee, excluding co-optees who will not contribute to the quorum. The Management Committee usually has one meeting per month at which it monitors the Association’s affairs and implements or reviews policies and procedures. Management Committee meetings generally last no longer than one to two hours and as such members may not spend more than a few hours of their time per month fulfilling their duties.

Some Management Committee members choose to spend more time attending conferences, seminars and training courses. However, all participation is entirely voluntary and Management Committee members receive no remuneration or other benefits from their membership. All Management Committee members are required to follow a Code of Conduct for Governing Body Members which is available to view here.